Wednesday, September 7, 2011

SEO takes Time, be patient

With over 50 distinct factors all contributing to a successful SEO campaign it is no wonder so many people have questions about why their website is not moving up in the search rankings of Google and other engines. Even with a very specific set of keywords that identify a target audience there is a lot of work that needs to be done on an ongoing basis before a website will achieve the ranking that everyone wants.

Truthfully, it can take up to a year or longer for a website to reach the first page of results in a search engine. Depending upon the competition and the amount of users that are searching for a specific site SEO can take a lot of time to deliver the organic results that every site owner is looking for. But don't despair, with some patience and the daily addition of articles, blogs and other online media posts a website can reach the top. Because it is a full time job to produce articles and generate viable links to a site many people turn to online marketing firms for help. Receiving a return on their investment that is far greater for such a modest amount than any other form of advertising or marketing internet marketing companies are able to develop strategies that have been proven effective by years of research and contribution to the search engines. Posting articles in online publishing forums and back linking those keyword enriched, informative and unbiased articles to a client's website, the pros understand that their work is never ending.

Even when your site is ranked in the top fold of the search results you are not finished with you SEO work. Because there are more than 200 million websites out there it is critical to sustain your success by swapping out the keywords and continuing to add to the success of your online venture. To help make things move along, the search engines are scanning articles and sites for the bold keywords that are being indexed by the search robots or spiders. Emphasizing the viable keywords of the blogs and articles and cross referencing them with the websites where the same word in the same order are appearing in the written content of a site the search engines remember what they have read and add the links to their stored pages of information. Even if no one ever reads the articles that are being added to build up the keywords, the links themselves become invaluable.

As someone that sends all day writing freelance articles for an SEO company, I have seen a number of tricks that the insiders use to manage the different clients that are selling identical products. With the name of a city or the use of a reordered series of keywords many different websites can each develop their own string of links that are moving them up in the results of a web search. If you are doing your own organic SEO work, just remember to be patient and always contribute something new for the spiders and robots to look for. Just keep in mind that your keywords are important and you should link your website to whatever you are submitting to an online publisher. If you keep working at it you will begin to see your site moving forward over the course of a few months.

Until next time,

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